Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thoughts on Emmaus Christian School

A big part of Brianna, Amelia and Sophie's life in the Solomons came to an end yesterday. School finished for the term, and doesn't go back till the day we leave, so yesterday was their last day.

Going to school here was something we really wanted the girls to experience - we knew it would help them to build relationships and give them the opportunity to be immersed in the Solomon culture. Amelia and Sophie were very keen to go, and couldn't wait to start - they didn't appear nervous or worried at all. Brianna was the opposite - she was very nervous about going to school in a different country, where a different language would be spoken. It took LOTS of encouragement (and prayer) on our part to get her to trust us enough to give it a go.

So at the end of their seven weeks at Emmaus Christian School I wanted the girls themselves to give their analysis of school in the Solomon Islands:

What are some of the things you really liked about school over here?
Making friends, singing loudly (I learnt heaps of fun new songs), having my classroom on the top level, and learning Pigin (my friends taught me how to say heaps of things in Pigin). There is a sports gym at this school, and I like sport.

What did you find different?
That you have to copy everything off the board and then you get to write the answers (it takes much longer than in Australia).
You call the teachers by their first names, or just call them teacher.
All of the subjects are done in a different way. In handwriting all of my class did the year 5 book.
There was only one half an hour break each day. There are three different break times for certain classes, going from youngest to oldest - mine was at 11 o'clock.

Is there anything you didn't like?
I didn't like copying so much writing off the board or the books.

Are you glad you had the chance to go to school here for 7 weeks?

Would you like to come back?
Yes, I would. I don't know how long I'd stay for - a year is too long, but two weeks is too short.

The girls in Brianna's class all sang a song, Transformation, at the assembly on Friday. It was in English, then Pigin.

(back row) Matilda, Gwen, Brianna, Lovelyn, Ennie (front row) Lisa and Regilina

What are some of the things you really liked about school over here?
My friends, my teachers, playing (robbers and bullies, cus cus).

What will you miss?
My friends and the singing and my teachers.

What did you find different?
There is only one break every day.
We didn't write in the books - we copied the books.
Sometimes I couldn't understand what everyone was saying because they were speaking in a different language.

Is there anything you didn't like?
All I can really say is no.

Are you glad you had the chance to go to school here for 7 weeks?

Would you like to come back?
Yes, but I don't want to stay as long.

Amelia and Abie - they played together every day and were lovely friends.

What are some of the things you really liked about school over here?
Playing with my friends (cus cus, skipping), doing art, singing songs and playing in the gym.

What will you miss?
My teachers (Mr Tony and Miss Monica), playing with my friends (Melisa, Rose, Abie, Stephanie, and Jesmine)

What did you find different?
Only one small bin in the eating area.
The canteen is right next to the seats (the mothers cook all the food for the canteen).
You have to leave home at 7:15am, school finished at 1:40pm.
They only had one grass area to play on.
We did lots of singing every day and my teacher played the guitar.

Is there anything you didn't like?
The mud, the boys - they are annoying, and walking up the steep hill at the end of the day.

Are you glad you had the chance to go to school here for 7 weeks?

Would you like to come back?
Yes - for a whole term (not a year).

Sophie and Mona Lisa - best friends for 7 weeks!

When we picked the girls up at school yesterday (school finished at 12pm), Brianna was adorned with several new necklaces, was carrying a bag full of things from school, and had red eyes from crying. Millie and Sophie were both wearing necklaces as well.

The girls were given these lovely Solomon Island shell necklaces from their class.

We knew it would be hard for the girls to say goodbye, and by the time we actually left, just about everyone in the car was crying their eyes out! For my part, I feel such thankfulness in my heart to God that our girls have been so richly blessed by their time in the Solomons, and particularly at Emmaus Christian School.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amanda.... I had tears in my eyes just reading this and feeling their joy and their pain at the same time! I kinda like the idea of the mothers cooking food for the canteen... it gets rid of all the rubbish and the kids are eating good wholesome pies or chicken nuggets over there!!! Interesting they all loved it but don't want stay a year hey!!!

    Love Lez for the Taylors)
