Saturday, August 8, 2009

Flying Solo and Finding Nemo

I'm learning plenty of new things here and doing things I wouldn't normally do.

I'm pleased to say I successfully drove ON MY OWN for the first time yesterday! I know that doesn't sound very challenging, (I have been driving on my own since '92) but those who know me will know how I hate driving in new places where I don't know where I'm going! So yesterday I had to take a ten year old boy to the doctors. This came about because on Wednesday night there is 'Base Fellowship' here. Everyone who lives on base, and all the neighbours are invited for an evening service of singing, preaching and prayer. One family came with two children suffering from 'red eye' as they call it (conjunctivitis). We brought along some Bleph 10 from Australia, so I offered to give it to them. Machi suggested I keep the drops and treat them, so every day, morning and night, R brought her children to our place and I treated their eyes. J's eyes were so bad though, and after a few days I felt he needed stronger meds. So Machi rang the doctors and let them know I was coming. When I went to pick J up, a man asked to be dropped at the hospital (which mildly freaked me out, because it is FURTHER down the road), but I gave myself a pep talk and took him too! Needless to say, everything was fine, although when I got to the doctors they couldn't find J's card, so I had to fill out all his details! We just managed the best we could!

Another first for me is eating Spam. I said I never would, (in fact the word almost makes me gag) but life IS different over here, and it was heavily disguised on a delicious home made pizza! I haven't resorted to slicing it and eating it for lunch just yet!

We've been making up powdered milk every night for breakfast the following day. There is no fresh milk available in the Solomon Islands. The last time I had powdered milk was when I was growing up, and I remember the taste being strong and significantly different. But now it's really not that bad. Machi suggested we put a couple of drops of vanilla in - just makes it a little sweeter. The girls haven't noticed anything different about the milk, and I find it only tastes different for the first mouthful of breakfast, and after that it's great. So well done to NZ powdered milk!

We had a beautiful morning at Benegi Beach today. There is a shipwreck only metres from the shore, now rusted and overgrown with coral, and brimming with the most spectacular fish. When we arrived there this morning, the sea was glassy and perfect for snorkelling. SWIM owns a bag of snorkelling gear, which we shared amongst our group (12 of us), and I couldn't wait to get in. I had so much fun, and saw many brightly coloured fish - we even saw a pair of clown fish in their anemone home. (Machi has seen bags full of little fish caught and exported for people's salt water aquariums). The kids all had a turn with varying success, but all enjoyed themselves.

We arrived in the morning, the best time of the day, although Machi said today was the best she had seen it!

The wind picked up a little, but conditions were still great.

Elora and Mikey played a lot in the shade.

Unfortunately we came home quite burnt. We thoroughly applied suncream (Banana Boat) this morning, but forgot to put it on again before we left to come home. We all sat in the back of the truck and got fried all the way home. Now I feel very bad for the kids, and have sent them to bed covered in every sort of soothing spray I have.

We've all suffered in varying degrees from some sort of tummy bug this week. Brianna and I have had it the worst, but we're hoping it is now over. There is a possibility our anti-malaria tablets could be making us sick, so I am experimenting with that one at the moment. It could just be something we have to live with for the next little while.

Apart from that, the kids are all enjoying themselves and seem to be settled into life over here. Millie has already asked if we can come back someday! (I think Millie has actually adjusted the best - she has dealt with all the new experiences almost seamlessly.)

As I type this, Geoff and I are sitting in the cool verandah, with a little fan blowing directly on us. We are about to head for bed (which is no where near as cool), and will be serenaded by the Kiribati people across the road. They are a fairly large group who tend to be a little noisy at times. Tonight their singing sounds beautiful, but hopefully they won't go ALL night!


  1. For the Girls:
    Kael says - I hope you are having a good time and I hope you are having a good time at your new school.
    Rykr says - What is it like to have a cold shower night after night? Have a great time!
    Ezri says - ello lora!
    Swae sends slobbery kisses.
    Missed you Amanda, at Girls night out.

  2. I know that feeling - setting off on your own in a vehicle for the first time.

  3. Hi Amanda, just had a look at your blog for the first time today and LOVED seeing your smiling faces - what an amazing experience for you as a family! Hope you're all feeling better after the tummy bugs and sunburn.
    Love and blessings from Bowral, Lousanne & family

  4. Hi Peets,
    I'm loving reading your blogs, I check nearly every night! It seems like you're having the most amazing experience. I'm jealous!
    Enjoy the snorkling, its probably better than anything in Aus!
    Simon's missing the girls at church!
    Love Jen, Mike n' Simon
