Monday, August 10, 2009

Busy weekend

We started practising the musical this weekend, with our first practise on Friday night during normal youth group, followed by a practise on Saturday afternoon, and then Sunday afternoon after church. Because we are only here for another 8 weeks or so, it is great to have so many practises so close together.

I wasn't sure how the musical thing would go over with the young people (about 30 + people, ranging in age from 13 to over 30). As far as anyone knows, a musical has never been done in the Solomon's before. But everyone seems (as far as I can tell) to be quite excited, and willing to come along to all the practises.

We spent the first two practises learning some of the songs, and then yesterday we held auditions for anyone who wanted to try out for a solo part. Melanesian culture is very communal, and nearly all the singing is done together too, so having to sing on their own was extremely nerve racking. I did my best to encourage everyone to close their eyes, pretend we weren't there, and sing to God! I reminded them all that their voices are some of the most beautiful I have heard. So one by one, with great amounts of encouragement, people got up to sing. It was a big deal, and almost everyone sang very softly, being so nervous, but I was thrilled to see so many people giving it a go. I think everyone wanted to, but they were too shy. Two girls came up to me when we were finished and asked if they could sing to just me - it was too hard for them in front of everyone else.

A young Australian couple who are volunteers here for a year (and go to our church here) came along yesterday. R leads worship at her church back home, and has offered to work with the soloists while I work with the actors, which is great. I'm sure the whole thing will come together and I'm thankful for the opportunity the musical brings to get to know some of the youth from this church.

Geoff is working with the musicians each week too, so that hopefully they will be able to do the music for the performances. We are looking to see if we can borrow a base guitar, electric guitar and drums, maybe from another church, we're not sure yet.

Geoff and James on Tuesday night practise at our place. James plays the keyboard at church, using a battery because there is no power. He has to take it to a shop to have it charged every few weeks.

So that's what we'll be doing for most weekends till we leave. Busy, but fun!


  1. I hope the musical will be on when we are there. I cant wait to hear the singing.
    How exciting for the youth. Enjoy.
    love Mum

  2. I loved seeing the happy photo of Geoff and James.
