Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We've arrived!

Sydney airport. Bags packed and ready to go!

We've arrived!

Praise God for safe travel, hand held fans and bush lime juice!

We landed in the Solomons about 2pm this afternoon, and were immediately struck with the heat (31degrees). Elora made me laugh with her query when we were going through customs, "Why are the fans blowing hot air in the Solomon Islands Mummy?" I assured her there were no heaters on, it is just always hot!

After making our way through customs, we were met by Michael and Salome (Geoff's cousin and his wife), and Lovelyn, their daughter (who is Brianna's age). We put all our luggage on the back of a large blue truck (see photo), and then climbed on ourselves to be driven to the SWIM base. The girls were thrilled to ride in the back - no five point harness seat-belts here!

Michael informed us that Kevin and Machi (who are organising what we're doing while we're here) wont be back from NZ for a week. It feel a little strange to be in a different country with no clear idea of what we should be doing, but I'm also pleased to kick back and catch my breath for the moment. I'll think of this week as a holiday and just take it as it comes.

On the truck out front of our house

I spent the afternoon and evening unpacking and trying to organise things as best as possible. The house we are staying is is much larger than I was expecting, and I have easily found spots for all our things. As I unpacked, I enjoyed watching and listening to the girls playing outside with some of the local kids. There was apprehension on both sides, but it took no time at all for Brianna to start teaching the kids some of the games she knows. She pulled out her skipping rope, and then the elastics, which were used for all manner of games. Eventually all the kids were playing a huge game of hide and seek, and everyone was laughing and squealing together. When we called the girls in for dinner (sandwiches with peanut butter, nutella or vegemite), they were so excited about their afternoon of playing.

The girls have all had a bit of heat rash, and will take a while to adjust to sleeping in a completely different environment (they are all a bit nervous about the many geckos all over the fly screens). Elora wanted a doona on her bed tonight, which is just her way of wanting things to be a bit similar to home. I put a towel over her instead (best I could do), and will take it off her before I go to bed. The girls have all had their first cold shower, and I'm pretty sure the 2 minute rule is not going to be an issue - they were all in and out VERY quickly!


  1. We are glad that you arrived safely. Enjoy your week. Im glad the girls enjoyed their afternoon. Lucky the kids over there are so friendly.
    Are you staying in the same house we did when we went over?
    We are thinking of you and you are all in our prayers.
    God bless
    Boyan Family xx

  2. Good on ya's!
    You have missed frost, rain, the cold, the clouds and everything the Highlands are famous for! It is 'hump day' of the holidays and our kids are coping well. Your girls sound like they are going to fit in just fine over there. Enjoy the differences and pray through the homesickness - if there is ever any!
    Hang on to God and His will for you all!

  3. Thanks for the birthday call, Geoff. It's so nice to see a photo and post aleady! Don't forget to post how YOU are feeling about being there, Amanda! We love you...the Harveys

  4. Your word pictures are so vivid Amanda that I feel as if I'm there with you. Thanks for keeping us updated. It seems as if the markets haven't changed since I was there ten years ago. Good on you girls for making friends so quickly! X X X X X X Nanna

  5. Hi Guys,
    the kids and I are enjoying reading about your adventures and Olivia would like you to bring home some geckos for her.
    Love to you all.
